I am looking for opportunities to share my music in 2024. I will be on sabbatical next year and wish to do concerts, lectures, workshops, and short-term residencies. I can provide the following types of presentations.
Solo concert of electroacoustic music. Here is a link to a recent 40min set
A concert consisting of solo works and electronic music ensemble pieces. I can teach participants a couple of laptop ensemble pieces in a 2-hour rehearsal. Then the performers and I can do a concert. Performers do not need to have previous experience in electronic ensemble performance. Here is a link to possible electronic ensemble pieces
Workshop on SuperCollider, electronic ensemble, or no-input mixer. Participants will need to bring their laptops (Mac or PC). I will provide the rest of the gear.
Guest lecture on electroacoustic music practices. Below is a list of guest lectures in the past three years.
- Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis, IN (2020)
- SPLICE Institute, Kalamazoo, MI, Online (2020)
- Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA, Online (2020)
- Korean Cultural Society of Boston, MA, Online (2020)
- University of Aberdeen, Scotland, Online (2020)
- University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, Online (2020)
- University of Nebraska Omaha, NE, Online (2021)
- 6 Improv Clinics Live by Domino Ensemble, Online (2021)
- American Composers Forum, Philadelphia, PA, Online (2021)
- Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts, AR, Online (2021)
- George Washington University, DC, Online (2021)
- SPLICE Institute, MI, Online (2021)
- University of North Texas, TX, Online (2021)
- Young Dancers Initiative, MI, Online (2022)
- Michigan State University, MI (2023)
- Nief-Norf Summer Festival, Knoxville (2023)

Let’s talk if you are interested in hosting me during Jan-Jul of 2024. I can drive anywhere within a 10-hour radius of Detroit and would also be happy to fly. I would appreciate any assistance in covering the travel cost. Please forward this message to the fitting venues, festivals, and music schools.