Ambient in D Flat

Ambient in D Flat is a collection of short pieces for melodica and algorithmically generated computer sound. They all have the note Db as an essential part. Feel free to pick and choose which piece to perform or present. The last one in the collection, Fifth (for A Folk Song), is not an original composition- the performer is free to choose any folk song and play it in Gb major along with the computer part.


  • Download and install SuperCollider 
  • Download a zip file containing AmbientInDb_Mac.scd and AmbientInDb_PC.scd from 
  • Open one of the downloaded SuperCollider files in SuperCollider. One is for OSX, and the other is for Windows.
  • In the SuperCollider menu, select Language-> Evaluate File. A window with performance instructions will appear.
  • Follow the instructions on the screen. Use the keyboard’s space bar and number keys to navigate. 


  • The middle C in the notation is the very first (the lowest) C in a melodica.
  • All pieces are in rubato. 
  • Feel free to improvise and elaborate on the written part.
  • Due to its algorithmic nature, the computer part does not have a set duration. It is OK if the performer finishes the melodica part earlier or later than the computer part.