Category Archives: Compositions

Piano Triplets – Park & Starkey

My friend and musical role model Starkey released a collaborative album. In technical terms, it is a project extended from ISJS. In aesthetical terms, the project is about restraints and forms. Personally, and most importantly, it is two friends saying ‘hey!’ to each other.

Starkey joins friend and composer Joo Won Park for an EP entitled “Piano Triplets” on NOREMIXES. The release showcases Joo Won Park’s unique supercollider processing over Starkey’s production samples. Three unique pieces, each consisting of only three samples: hardware and software synthesis meets piano in these short bursts of experimentation.

Bandcamp album description


SIOE (Simple Is Opposite of Easy) is an automated song remixer. Drag and drop an audio file into the program and generate two new sounds.

  • Short Sound: condense a song into a simple percussive, supercut-like sound
  • Long Sound: hear the process of development

SIOE app and SuperCollider patch are free and available to download. Please give proper credit if you use it in your project. 


Remove Music, Hear Sound. There are many things to hear within a single sound. There are more than melody, harmony, or rhythm that one can listen to and ponder.
Tracks in RMHS feature eight sounds made from an algorithm. Feel free to contact the artist if you want a version with different length, interval, or fundamental frequency.

RMHS app and SuperCollider patch are free and available to download. Please give proper credit if you use it in your project.