For W – Toy piano and Electronics

For W is a short piece for toy piano and electronics. I hear that the harmonies played in a toy piano have particular ring and color. Even perfect 5th intervals have somewhat dissonant but delightful quality. This particular trait of the instrument is sonically expanded with the electronic part.

For W is an update/rearrangement of 100 Strange Sounds No. 69.  The score and the electronic part can be downloaded at the following Dropbox link. 

Choices for Electronics Part

  1. Use SuperCollider in either PC or Mac. Run ForW.scd in SuperCollider. Instruction is noted on the score. Using SuperCollider is the most preferred method for its sound quality
  2. Use the app for Mac OS X. Download and uncompress Run it on a Mac computer.
  3. Use an Android phone or tablet. Download and install ForW.apk. There may be some unwanted lag, but this could be the easiest to set up.