Seven Bird Watchers (2019) – Performance by EMEWS

Composer: Joo Won Park

Performers: Jacob Joslin, Gavin Langley, Alex MacColl-Artrip,  Sean Monaghan

Scores and info:


Seven Bird Watchers is an electronic ensemble piece featuring synchronized tempo change and graphical notation. The pre-recorded audio file syncs all drum machines to seven sections of accelerando and ritardando. The performers’ task is to change the parameters of the drum machine according to the notation.

Compare EMEWS’ performance with my multitrack version. I like EMEWS one more!

PS Quartet No. 2 – for electronic ensemble

PS Quartet No.2 is here! Five of EMEWS members recorded a version (Alex MacColl-Artrip, Sean Monaghan, Jacob Joslin, Ebony Swain, Gavin Langley), but four or more people can perform the piece. The only hardware needed besides the computer (either Mac or PC) is a Playstation DualShock controller. The interested ensemble can perform it with Logitech game controllers (F310 or similar on both Mac and PC) or XBox controller (Mac only). The piece runs on SuperCollider, a multi-platform audio software.

The links below contain score and SuperCollider patches. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

DropBox Link

2023 Update – Participants at Nief-Norf Summer Festival presented PS Quartet No.2 during the 2022 Summer Festival! Here’s the video.