I did a fun interview with Kill Screen magazine. Read about my recent projects and aesthetics.
2019 EMEWS Tour Set
Download the linked .zip file containing SuperCollider files and scores for
- PS Quartet No. 1
- PS Quartet No. 2
- phonetinus_
- Singaporean Crosswalk
- Seven Bird Watchers
Seven Bird Watchers – for electronic ensemble
Seven Bird Watchers (2019) for a drum machine ensemble. For a performance, three or more drum machine players change parameters of the machine according to the score. The pulse of the drum machines is synced to a customized sync track that fluctuates seven times between slow and fast. Three percussive instruments make bird-like chirping when they are on speedy tempo.
The score is available at the following link.
The sync signals are downloadable in the following link in three formats: mp3, SuperCollider file (.scd), and mp4 (video).
Seven Bird Watchers Performance Data
Here’s a tutorial video on how to interpret the score
Func Step Mode – for drum machine and mixer feedback
Func Step Mode is a solo piece featuring two instruments I love: a no-input mixer and a drum machine. The output of the drum machine feeds into the no-input mixer affecting the rhythm and timbre of already-rich sound palette. The no-input (or rather, one-input) mixer thus becomes an analog audio processor with too many knobs to control, which makes every improvisation thrilling and daunting for me. The hardware and their setup for Func Step Mode are attenable and replicable, but I think I play these instruments with a distinct voice.
Analysis of DualShock 4 as a Musical Instrument
My article, Analysis of DualShock 4 as a Musical Instrument, is in there. It’s also available online at:
Sony’s DualShock 4 can be used as an affordable and readily-available musical instrument that may not require additional software to establish a connection with the computer. Despite the effortless connectivity via Bluetooth or USB, DualShock 4’s number of functioning inputs varies depending on the applications and the communication method. The author analyzed and documented DualShock 4’s mapping scheme for Max and SuperCollider in this article so that it may be served as a reference for composition and performance projects. While buttons and joysticks behave much like MIDI controllers, some distinct features of DualShock 4, such as the trackpad, built-in timer, and SIXAXIS, have unusual mapping schemes and ranges.
Below are two relevant videos to the paper: